«A little bird that is learning how to fly doesn't know anything about flying, but it knows everything about courage.»
Alejandro Jodorowsky - poet, writer, psychologist

«Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision. »
Winston Churchill - statesman and writer

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have."
Margaret Mead - anthropologist

Rumi - Persian Sufi mystic and poet
Since 2017 we have been organizing this Biodanza retreats, with people from all over the world dancing together.
We´ve been creating beautiful, powerful, intimate, safe, stimulating, and profound vivencias of deepening the experience of Biodanza. It's a process of personal transformation and a shared adventure.
A retreat is different from a festival, a congress or vacations with Biodanza.
Our retreats are a six days journey, with progressive deepening, where each vivencia is connected to the next, and everybody in the group dances the same vivencias. This process promotes a way of reaching really profound vivencias, and harmonization, supported by the affective bonding amongst the participants.
And it all happens in connection and synergy to every aspect of the retreat, because we will enjoy meals together, laugh together, share wonderful moments, will have time to rest, and enjoy the beauty of nature and the surroundings… and feel the wonders and the powers of a deep journey of Biodanza.
So, our retreats are meant for people with some experience of Biodanza, so we can all journey together in a deep and meaningful way.
In every retreat our main reference is Rolando Toro, the creator of Biodanza, but we are also inspired by other authors, poets, philosophers, artists, mythologies, etc. to create our themes and vivencias….
Come and dance in this beautiful Paradise!
Through dance and shared experiences, we will integrate and expand our Human Identities, while also enjoying the presence of beautiful people from different countries.
Every retreat is a powerful and wonderful journey of deep vivencias, all lived and shared by everyone, through a magical journey of discovery and revelation of our common humanity…and..
… there are also moments to enjoy the swimming pool, the delicious food, to have interesting conversations, to relax, to walk, to visit the surrounding picturesque towns…
This Biodanza Retreat will promote a powerful and beautiful environment, enriched in positive human factors, becoming a catalyst for the expression of the full potential of each human being, in relation to other human beings and to Nature.
In 2025, the theme or our retreat is «To Dare and to Care - Courage to Live and Love» at the marvelous paradise of Suryalila Retreat Center, in Spain.

Clarice Lispector, writer and poet, wrote:
"The path I chose is that of love. No matter the pain, the anguish, or the disappointments that I will have to face. I chose to be truthful. On my way, the embrace is tight, the handshake is sincere, so don't be surprised by my way of smiling, of wishing you well. That's the only way I see life, and that's the only way I believe life is worth living."
Clarice Lispector is saying that we need courage to be open for love and life, and for that we need to take risks, to accept all the feelings that might arouse from daring to live and to love.
Many times, human beings create walls, or armors, to protect themselves from pain, or out of fear of feeling, or of being ridiculous, strange, "abnormal"…
These walls might have been important at some point…but if they stay for a long time, they might become permanent…
And then Live becomes imprisoned beyond those walls, and people start to accept the unacceptable, and live lives that are small, poor, even if the "cage" feels comfortable (or numbed) …
As Alejandro Jodorowsky wrote, «Birds raised in cages believe that flying is a disease.»
To be open to life and love, we need to be open to risk feeling, and to dare to express fully from our truthfulness…
Affirming our power, our beauty and poetry, that comes from loving the ups and downs of life.
Rumi, the persian mystical, tells us:"If you want the moon, don't hide from the night. If you want a rose, don't run from the thorns. If you want love, don't hide from yourself."
So, in this 2025 Biodanza Summer Retreat, we'll dance powerful, deep, and beautiful vivencias, surrounded by respect, affection, solidarity…
A Journey of Change through the ritual of dance…
The writer Marcel Proust wrote:
"The journey of discovery consists not of finding new landscapes, but of seeing with new eyes."
By changing our perceptions, we discover treasures that were waiting to be revealed, in ourselves, in other human beings and in the totality of life.
And finding our own way, finding our own voice, finding our own dance…
Meeting, discovering and revealing our uniqueness in the world.
In Biodanza, and in this Retreat, we are all going a path of learning to be "abnormal", because we are not intended to be normal, standardized. We are all opening to what is exceptional and unique in each one of us.
Normality molds us to conform to a standard. A pattern that makes us "normal", but that nullifies our joy, our passion for living, our ability to give the world our unique and unrepeatable truth.
And this standard may no longer serve us to live the life we want. To feel truly alive and in love with our Life.
With the Biodanza process, we stop being "normal" and express ourselves as exceptional, singular beings. We discover that we are rare treasures, with immense beauty to be revealed.
The poet Raúl Seixas vibrantly exclaimed: "The art of being crazy is never committing the madness of being a normal person."
And Friedrich Nietzsche:
"Those who were seen dancing were judged as crazy by those who could not hear the music."
We want to dance to the music of freedom, joy, affection, the passion for living!
Sometimes the biggest «madness» is to stifle your madness, which, after all, is your truth.
Let's stop trying to fit into models of "perfect lives" that others have determined for us, to feel the freedom to be who we are and live the life we want.
An anonymous author wrote on a wall in Lisbon: "I don't want a perfect life. I want a happy life."
And that's why we need to focus on the beauty that exists in ourselves, in other people and in the world. There is so much beauty in the world!
The poet Rubem Alves says:
"Every moment of beauty lived and loved, however ephemeral it may be, it is a complete experience that is destined for eternity. A single moment of beauty and love justifies a whole life."
And fulfilling our needs and expressing ourselves from our truthfulness and desires, we can also be caring human beings.
"The simple act of caring is heroic.", reminds usEdward Albert.
And president Theodore Roosevelt, once said that "Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. "
But what it means "To Care"? And How to Care?
Do we have the freedom to care, but do we also feel the freedom to have others taking care of ourselves?
Can we care without infantilizing others and without creating forms of dependency?
How it is "To Care" and "To Love" framed by the Biocentric Principle and Biocentric Mysticism?
As Leo Tolstoy had put it: "My religion is love for all living beings."
We will journey through all of this, and much more! We are going to dance and live:
These will be some of the sources of inspiration for creating this retreat, at the stunning paradise of Suryalila Retreat Center, in Spain.
Welcome to come and dance with the Tribe!